Monday, May 18, 2009


Aloha everyone! Since I don't have everyone's email yet, I am going to have to have mom and dad forward this to everyone. (Please?) I hope to read all of your weekly emails next Wednesday, and I believe everyone can expect to receive and email from me each Wednesday. I only have thirty minutes (less today because I had to register) so here we go:
First of all, the MTC is amazing. I love the spirit here. It is almost overwhelming. Also, the love that everyone has is remarkable. It is so cool to know that we are all here for a single purpose: to learn the gospel so that we can share it with Heavenly Father's children.
So, last Wednesday. We woke up early as I am sure mom shared with everyone, got ready, drove down to Provo after a last minute round of hand and foot, and life at the MTC began for me. Mom cried, I cried, Dad didn't (not too surprising), we sang Called to Serve first (so mom was simply doomed to be teary eyed the entire time), had a brief message or two, and then we separated.
I continued through everything on the other side, made sure I had my shots, got everything I needed, and proceeded to my room. I met my companion (Elder Adams, who is absolutely amazing) got my luggage, relaxed a little, and got ready for the night. Two more elders arrived (Elder Eteaki, and Elder Shindler, who are also amazing), and we went to our afternoon meetings. It is cool to be able to mingle with all these wonderful Elders (we all are headed to Hawaii, and two Elders in our district right next door.) We all have an incredible love for
each other.
I'm afraid that my pictures will be coming in large chuncks, mostly due to the fact that I will simply be sending my memory card in my camera back home and letting mom send out pictures. I'm afraid you mght have to send several emails mom because there will be quite a few pictures.
It is really difficult to remember everything that has happened this last week. It seems to blend together. I will make sure to have my journal with me next wednesday when I write so I can remember events exactly. It is just amazing to think that I have the prayers of millions helping me in this work. I know I need it, and I know I have felt the blessings of that. Thank you all for
your support.
Most of what I remember is a lot of class time, fairly good food (I learned yesterday to not eat any hamburgers), and wake up early to get into the shower. We prepare, go to class, study, go to class, eat, study, and all the time we try to be completely full of the spirit. I love my district. We have such strong missionaries, and my companion amazes me every single day. He has so many great thoughts. He is from Alaska, so it is a bit of culture shock for him coming here. He says his call to Hawaii proves that God has a sense of humor. I just think that He loves me from my call.
We continue this week to work on the first lesson, but also a lot of realizing when the spirit is directing us, either away from the lesson, or to a different part of it. It is amazing to be teaching and have a thought come to your head that you didn't think of at all before. The Lord really does help missionaries to meet the needs of those they are teaching.
We also do get the chance to go to the referal center (the call center). We went yesterday for the first time, and called people back to make sure they got the items they ordered from the church, and tried to help them feel the spirit so that the missionaries could come by with another item (either a movie, book of mormon, pass along card, or bible). Most of the time we get answering
machines, but I was able to bear my testimony to one lady who was already receiving the missionaries that the Church would greatly bless her life, and encouraged her to continue reading the Book of Mormon, and to pray and listen to the Elders. It was so cool.
One other huge thing, that I am loving so much are the devotionals that we have. Every Sunday at seven we have a fireside, and every tuesday at seven as well we have a devotional. I believe they are all recorded and broadcast, so I would encourage everyone to watch them if they can. I would try the BYU channel, which is 21 for all those with comcast. We have had some amazing
speakers, with amazing messages. We also, last night were able to hear a clip from a message from Elder Holland, who gave an amazing talk. Part of it was that any missionary who asks, isn't there an easier way needs to remember they are not the first to ask that. Christ himself asked that, but he still did the will of the Father. Also, when we are spit upon, scorned, ridiculed, attacked, or anything, we join the ranks of Christ, and we should honor that situation.
I love this gospel so much and am so glad for the opportunity I have to spread the gospel, to help others feel the spirit. I may not be able to spell, but I feel the spirit, and I know that it is true. I love you all so much, and I am so thankful for your support. I hope you all are blessed, and can feel the spirit daily.
Love Elder John Cameron Kidd
p.s. If you can't see my email address, it is

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