Wednesday, June 23, 2010



Time is definitely starting to fly, and I find myself unable to remember all that has happened in previous weeks. We always joke that a mission is like a lifetime, and we give events nicknames related to life (being born, dying, getting old, etc). So, perhaps I have hit the "getting old" and so I will claim that my memory is subsiding. Perhaps it is simply that the Lord is blessing me to be able to focus a little more on the here and now, so everything else slips out of my brain. But anyway, lets see what I remember...
Derek has spent most of the last week being sick and busy. Saturday, one of their drivers managed to get the engine to overheat and seize. So, Derek gets to tear apart and rebuild the entire motor over again. He did this to another engine not to long ago. In fact, Elder Mathews helped rebuild the last one. Maybe I will try to help a little with this one.
Most of our time this last week was spent with the Hurtado family helping the wife and son prepare for their baptism this Saturday. I think the wife was extremely nervous because she and her husband just got married a little over a year ago, but we were able to set her at ease about that. She is converting from Inglsia ni Cristo, which is a Filipino church that I will have to explain more about when I get home. To put it simply, they don't like us, and we don't really like them.
This last week also seemed to be filled with a lot of people that wanted to argue with us. We took one of the young men out with us (Jewell) and went tracting. Well, three people on a doorstep looks a little menacing, so I stayed back around the corner. I heard Elder Pontanares and Jewell talking to some guy through his window, and from the tone of his voice, I could tell he wasn't one of the 'elect.' Then, he asked what version of the bible we use, and responded that they use the New World Translation. (Strike two), and then he let us in. Well, Elder Pontanares couldn't understand him incredibly well because he was talking fast, and Jewell didn't know how to respond, so I got to handle the situation. I've never seen an elderly gentleman make such a fool of himself, but unfortunately he wasn't listening to what he said. He tried twisting my words and didn't really listen to anything I said (I wonder if he listened to anything). Anyway, the Lord helped me stay calm, and we managed to get out of there. So, now Jewell knows the not-so-plesant side of missionary work.
But anyway, the week went pretty well. We taught a lot of lessons, and were able to help a lot of people. We also were able to meet with one of my favorite families in the ward, the Mo'es, and had a great meeting with them. They are active, but the husband has to work most Sundays and is only able to attend sacrament, so we are going to give them spiritual thoughts in the evening. But all in all, it's cool.
As always, and forever, thank you all for all that you do for me, and all you have done. I love you all!
Elder Kidd


So, I have to tell everyone about the bumper sticker I saw on the way over to the library today. "I finally got everything together, and then I forgot where I put it." Seems to be my life a lot of days anymore.
But, onto the week. It was another difficult week, but I'm starting to think that that is because my expectations are very high for the last part of my mission. We had a lot of cancelled appointments, a couple of disappointing experiences, but in the end the Kaleuati boys got baptized and confirmed, which made everything better. It was the smallest baptism I have ever been too. I was joking with a member (Sis Young) that all you need for a baptism is three priesthood holders and the person being baptized. Well, we had four priesthood holders, and not many more people there. The only ones that were there that didn't have some direct part in the program were the kids mom and sister. Elder Pontanares and I spoke. But I think I like smaller baptisms anyway. It is more special that way.
Derek and Ericah are doing well, just not engaged yet. They may have gone to the temple visitor center today. I have to call them. I'm starting to think more and more of a young teeage couple that doesn't feel quite ready for responsibility when I see them... Hopefully they will come soon though.
Kelsea is still terrified to tell her grandfather. But, as our fellowshipper and we agree, she is only 11, and doesn't want to upset her family. I have faith that if she tells him that he will not only support her, but join her in the end, but lots of prayers are going to be required.
The Hurtados are doing well. Elder Pontanares is a huge asset when it comes to Filippeanos. We should be able to start teaching atleast one new family this week that we found. I've never been let into so many houses, especially after "Tapo" is the only thing that is said. It is boggling my mind.
I also got to speak this Sunday in church. I spoke on Alma the youngers experience, and then bishop built off of my talk to continue on. I really like our bishop. He served his mission in Hawaii (started in Waianae), came back and married a girl from here, and then became bishop. He is working right now to help strengthen the ward since, as he pointed out, most of the members are either recent converts, or just coming back to church. So, we are back to the basics for them, but it is going well.
We got the phone call last night about transfers, and as was expected, Elder Pontanares and I will be staying together for my final six weeks. I found out for sure (through another missionary I go home with) that we do land on July 30 in the morning. He said his parents already had the itinerary.
So, all is well here. I hope all is well for everyone back home. Thank you all for all that you continue to do. I love you all!
Elder Kidd

Monday, June 7, 2010



So, I'm actually typing this in the body of another email, and then I will transfer it over to the normal one. I am sending a few pictures to our mission president and his wife, and it is taking forever for the pictures to upload. So, here I sit on this page, and I figure, why not type out my other email? Ahh, brilliant...

This has been an interesting week. Zone conference, canceled appointments, marriage discussions, baptismal invitations, and more canceled appointments. But we keep rolling.

Derek and Ericah (I finally got both of their names due to Ericah drawing during stake conference) had a fun week. We went over on Tuesday and Thursday, and had some good conversations. But Saturday. We showed up, and Derek told us that they had been fighting. So, he wanted us to go talk to Ericah for a bit to calm her down. Well, through both conversations we had before party a and b met up, I think we figured out what was going on. Derek felt like Ericah has such high standards that he has to work so hard to meet them, and so he wants her to be grateful for what she has. Ericah thinks Derek works too much and spends too much time with his friends. So, we read the Family Proclamation with them, and told them that they needed to find a gentle balance between work, possessions, and time together. They both realized that they needed to make some sacrifices, and seemed much happier yesterday. Hopefully some big things soon.

We spent a lot of time this last week simply trying to get ahold of the Kaleuati family since two of their boys are supposed to get baptized this next Saturday. We thought we were going to have to postpone it, but yesterday we got everything situated and organized, so they are doing well.

Kelsea is struggling right now because she is still afraid to tell her Grandpa about meeting with us. But we found out that more so, she is scared when he learns that her friend Sarah is a member, that he won't let her hang with her anymore. So, we are trying to figure out now what the Lord wants us to do in this situation.

The Hurtado family is doing well. We invited the son (Ralph) and mom (Marilyn) to be baptized on June 26. They seem to be excited. So, there is a lot this family is going to be able to do. Elder Pontanares is doing wonders with them.

We also had zone conference this last Thursday. I thought it would be the last one I would have with President Peterson, but I found out that there will be one more 2 days before he goes home. So, I will not have a zone conference with the new mission president… but I will have two interviews with him. Zone conference was very good, and as usual helped lift my spirits and get me going again.

So, there are trials and struggles, but there is a lot going on as well. After the trails come the blessings. That is for sure. I love you all. Keep smiling, and thank you for all you do for me!

Elder Kidd

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Some Pictures

So, I thought I would send some pictures from this last week. I think I got a really good one of me, then I played around with it a little. So, the first two are that, and the last is of our baptism. I love you all.
Elder Kidd



First, thank you to all that wished me a happy birthday. It was a very interesting day, but I will try to get to that later.
This was again a week of struggles, but still very good. On Thursday we had 8 appointments schedualed, and only 2 went through. But I guess in the majors a .250 average isn't too bad. It gets frustrating, but fortunately we were able to reschedual most of those appointments for a later day. Also, things didn't go quite as planned for Harley and Charlene. Harley backed out of the baptism, but he still wants to in the future, he just still doesn't feel ready, so we are going to keep working with him.
But Charlene stayed through. I think this all may have been an experience she needed to help her stay strong. She was very scared this last week about getting baptized since her brother backed out. But, when it came down to it, she was able to stick it out, and felt so much better. It was awesome as well for me because I was able to baptize her. It also showed again to me that nothing worthwhile comes easily. This was one of the most meaningful baptisms on my mission so far (Derek's will be the most) because of all of the work we had to put into it. So, I baptized her on Saturday, and then Elder Pontanares confirmed her on Sunday.
Hmm, most of the week has turned into a blur, but Friday.... Friday Elder Simnitt and I were on an exchange. I had set up a lesson with a lady they refered to us named Kevie. We went in with the knowledge that she was a little handicapped (mentally and physically), and that was all. What we found was a very argumentative lady, and it took us a while to get through the restoration. She kept telling us that we wouldn't sway her mind, and asking questions to Elder Simnitt that we couldn't understand. In the end she quieted down, and was very impressed with us. She told Elder Simnitt that he was strong and always stayed on his point, but said that I never flinched at anything that she said and always stayed calm. I guess I am good at controlling my emotions in that sense. It was interesting because she never argued with me, only Elder Simnitt. Anyways, when we said we wanted to come back, she was stunned again, thinking we would run away and never return. But, I have faith that the Lord works miracles, so we'll see.
Anyway, Sunday.... May 30... my birthday. It started out normal, until we got to the church. Then, the bishop asked me if I would do one of the baby blessings for the Hurtado family (the Philppeano famliy we found). So, sacrament we ended up having 3 baby blessings and a confirmation. Yet, with all of this, Our crazy member lady still managed to bear her testimony... but it wasn't too bad... until the end. But, I don't think anyone was too upset.
Afterwards, we went to Derek's to have a lesson with him. He is doing so much missionary work, it is amazing. He wants us to teach his daughter, and while we were there got us to teach his m (who seems very interested, but we'll see if it was an act or not). I can't wait until his baptism.
After that, we ran over to Mina's house (where Harley and Charlene live) to celebrate Charlene's baptism and my birthday by eating a special dinner, called Balut. Balut is a Filippeano dish, that is a hard boiled egg.... oh wait, the egg has had a chicken (or duck) sitting on it for a couple of weeks, so there is an unhatched bird inside. It didn't taste too bad, but the idea is what was gross. A video should be showing up on Facebook soon of it.
But all in all, it was amazing. Things are looking good for the coming weeks as well. I am learning through all the opposition we are facing that if we endure through, the Lord pours out His blessings upon us, we just have to keep going. Thank you all for all the support and love and I love you all!
Elder Kidd