Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Aloha, and happy Father's Day

Yes, happy Father's Day. Hopefully all the fathers had a wonderful day, and will get back to work and let the wife be the boss today ;-) My companion and I found a fun card at walmart last week. It had a big pin-on button that said "I'm the Boss." On the front it said, "Dad, wear this and be proud." Then inside: "Just make sure to give it back to mom tomorrow." Anyway, I hope all the fathers had a great day. We had a member of our ward wish Elder Thomson and I a happy future father's day. That was interesting...

Secondly, can I say that it is amazing how young some missionaries look? There is a new greenie in our zone that looks like he is about 15. He is from Arizona, and just made it out to Hawaii. He got stuck in the MTC for an additional week and a half because of the swine flu. Well, he is super green, super young looking, and super making me want to laugh. I feel kinda bad, but it is amazing to see this new

On a physical note, I have started running, jumping rope, lifting weights, etc. a bit more, and this morning I was down to about 195, or the weight I was when I got to Hawaii! My shoes are doing well, I am just having fun getting my body used to running again (or period...), so I have been having fun with a lot of sore muscles.

But, it has been a fun week. My companion's frustrations came to a point last Tuesday, but nobody pushed him over the edge, and he finally calmed down back to normal, so it was a better week. We have some things going really well, and having struggles with others, as usual.

Carey O'oka is continueing to do well. We moved his baptisimal date back until the 17th of July to make sure he is over his smoking problem, but he is doing really well. He played for a stake activity (a pop's concert) Saturday night, and was the best performer there. I went in with low expectations, and Carey's songs, and two numbers by two girls (one flutist and cellist) were the only surprising ones. The stake's institue choir less than pleasant, and one lady that could play the piano well shouldn't have been singing. But Carey stole the night with his fine piano ability. It was amazing.

We still haven't been able to meet with Ahia, but she did send us a text message last week, and she should have a day off soon. Hopefully we should be able to get ahold of her this week.

Right now we are trying to do a lot of work with less active and part member families in our ward. We have had a few good successes. We helped one family decide that they want to be active again, and go to the temple. It has been amazing to see some people in church. Like yesterday, a lady named Timbelyn came to church. She hasn't been in about 8 years, so that was amazing.

Apparently a couple of weeks ago we offended a less active lady. Actually, the one that we took the vodka and cigarretts from a little while ago. We weren't entirely certain how, but it seems she has gone back to her old ways. We are a little scared that she might have been doing something prior to the night we talked to her and offended her. Anyway, she is ignoring us now, even though we made brownies and keep going by... yeah...

I hope all is going well for everyone. Remember, no one has ever fallen off the path if they had atleast one hand on the iron rod. I love you all!

Elder Kidd

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