Monday, June 8, 2009



Ahh, what a wonderful week. Yet it is nice to have a P-day again.

So, our week was full of conferences and temple, and yeah. There didn't seem to be a lot of time for just missionary work. Figure, Tuesday we went to the temple, Wednesday and Thursday were normal, but then Friday we had zone conference, and then General Conference on Saturday and Sunday. Our zone leaders have zone leader conference on O'ahu today, so they get to sit and listen to talks even more. What fun for them!

The biggest thing right now I guess is that I am getting over a cold. It attacked on Thursday, so most of the time I have had it, I have been able to sit through conferences and not have to push myself too hard. I did unnerve a few elders during general conference though, and had quite a few people in the chapel asking if I was ok. But, I am feeling better, just in time for this week!

Cathy and Pearleen seemed to really enjoy conference. The problem is that they seem to be on a different wave length then most other people on the planet. Cathy has some very interesting concerns, which we are feeling will only be resolved by reading the Book of Mormon (which she is doing). So, we keep praying for her.

We went by a new investigator this last week, who's name is Richard. He is a buddist guy who was raised Christian, but only really went for social reasons. He actually burnt a hole in the gym floor of our church at one time on accident (they have since rebuilt the church). But, we were able to share the message of the restoration with him. When we went back, he admited to us that he read from the Book of Mormon mostly for the informational value in it, but it struck him more than he thought it would. He wanted to take some time to think over it, so we are going to go by and see him this week.

Last night I had an interesting experience. My companion and I tracted into a lady that was house-sitting and we gave her our number since she didn't seem interested. Well, she called us back and we set up an appointment to meet with her. Problem is that she lives in another area, so we did a temporary exchange so that one elder from each area would be there to meet with her. But, it turned out she wasn't interested. It was frustrating as a lot of her beliefs fit in with the church, but she refuses to read the Book of Mormon. At the end of our discussion we asked her to pray to ask if what we shared was true, in hopes the spirit would direct her to read the Book of Mormon. Well, she prayed, she was eager to pray, but she never asked... Hopefully something we said will strike her heart down the road and she will try again, but for right now she is fairly set in her ways. It is just so sad to see people completely closed to the happiness the gospel can bring. In the words of my district leader "she doesn't believe in revelation, prophets, all she believes in is Christ? Well, her religion is pretty much gone." Why can't people accept that our Lord loves more than just the jews? Oh well.

Well, I hope all is doing well. I love you all, and thank you for your continued support! Aloha

Elder Kidd

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