Monday, June 8, 2009


Well, it is interesting that Dad said that me mentioning that I was about 30 miles from a volcanoe made him nervous... since this morning we were only about 1-2 miles from it. We went and saw Kilauea, the active volcanoe in Hawaii. Unfortunately we couldn't see any lava (the only lava is running into the ocean right now, but you can only see it after 5 P.M.) but there is a big ol' hole in the ground.
Things in Hilo are continueing to go well. Elder Aldridge and I are really working hard and are starting to see some of the fruits of our labors. We were able to find some new people to teach this last week. We have a couple progressing investigators that are just struggling to make it over one or two troubles, which mostly includes making it to church. As soon as they can do that, then I believe they will both get baptized.
We had a missionary from one of the wards I am serving in return home last Saturday, and he has become one of our best friends. He wants to go with us whenever he can, and is still super excited about missionary work.
Yesterday I was able to speak in one of our wards along with afore mentioned missionary. I spoke a lot on how members can help in the work by telling others of the joys the gospel brings. At the end, our investigator that is the friend of the less active lady we ran into (The LA lady's name is Pearline, and her friend is Cathy) came up to us and told us that what we had said had moved something inside of her. Well, my companion told me the day before she had said to him and the Elder he was with (exchanges!) that she never thought she would be baptized. Hopefully after yesterday something has changed.
It was good to get pictures of all of my nieces and nephews, but I'll admit it took me a bit to figure out who the kid with all the brown hair was (in the picture with the four strollers at the zoo). I kept wondering if he was another family's kid, until I realized he is Briton. He has changed a lot since I left 8 months ago, but who's counting? : )
I hope you all enjoy the pictures I took, and I once again say thank you to everyone for your support, and I love you all!
Elder Kidd

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