Tuesday, July 13, 2010



Another week flown by, and me still wondering what is going on in some situations. Good, bad, and interesting continues to happen.
First of all, the Hurtados did make it to the waters of baptism on Saturday, but with plenty of scares along the way. On Thursday when we went over for our lesson, Marilyn (the mom) didn't come out and Ralph (the son) told us that she had said she didn't want to be baptized anymore. Not good words to a missionaries ears. Well, somehow (probably thanks to the spirit, and Marilyn's mother-in-law) she decided that she did want to get baptized, and it all went fairly smoothly. I say fairly because the joke I had made earlier about only needing three priesthood holders and the person (people) getting baptized came true. We had a teacher, but other than that it was only the ward mission leader, and the two of us missionaries. But, it all went well, and the confirmation went well as well... that's a lot of wells.
Derek is still doing well. We were able to have a good discussion with him and Ericah last Thursday about taking a leap of faith, and sacrificing to do the Lord's will. So, at the end, Ericah said she only needs the ring now (the rest of the list seems not so important) and Derek learned that he doesn't have to have cash to buy the ring, but that he can get it on credit. So, hopefully that opens up possibilities very soon. We can definitely see the adversary working on him though. One of his friend's father died on Saturday, so they were unable to come to church yesterday.
We were able to teach a couple on Wednesday that looks very promising. Don is from California, and Shirley from the Philipeans. Well, after sharing part of the lesson, we had to leave to make it to our next appointment (they ask a lot of questions), but Shirley called us the next day to tell us that she had had a dream about us coming and teaching the lessons, and she said our message was beautiful. Miracles do happen.
Sunday, we had fun in our PEC meeting with our High Priest Group Leader again. I had to, once again, explain the WARD MISSIONARY PLAN and explain that it isn't in the hands of the missionaries, but the ward. So, hopefully he got that through his head and will start to help us now.
But, all is going well. We face trails and troubles, but if we endure well, the Lord will bless us for them. I love you all, and thank you for all the support that you give to me. Aloha
Elder Kidd

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