Wednesday, June 23, 2010



Time is definitely starting to fly, and I find myself unable to remember all that has happened in previous weeks. We always joke that a mission is like a lifetime, and we give events nicknames related to life (being born, dying, getting old, etc). So, perhaps I have hit the "getting old" and so I will claim that my memory is subsiding. Perhaps it is simply that the Lord is blessing me to be able to focus a little more on the here and now, so everything else slips out of my brain. But anyway, lets see what I remember...
Derek has spent most of the last week being sick and busy. Saturday, one of their drivers managed to get the engine to overheat and seize. So, Derek gets to tear apart and rebuild the entire motor over again. He did this to another engine not to long ago. In fact, Elder Mathews helped rebuild the last one. Maybe I will try to help a little with this one.
Most of our time this last week was spent with the Hurtado family helping the wife and son prepare for their baptism this Saturday. I think the wife was extremely nervous because she and her husband just got married a little over a year ago, but we were able to set her at ease about that. She is converting from Inglsia ni Cristo, which is a Filipino church that I will have to explain more about when I get home. To put it simply, they don't like us, and we don't really like them.
This last week also seemed to be filled with a lot of people that wanted to argue with us. We took one of the young men out with us (Jewell) and went tracting. Well, three people on a doorstep looks a little menacing, so I stayed back around the corner. I heard Elder Pontanares and Jewell talking to some guy through his window, and from the tone of his voice, I could tell he wasn't one of the 'elect.' Then, he asked what version of the bible we use, and responded that they use the New World Translation. (Strike two), and then he let us in. Well, Elder Pontanares couldn't understand him incredibly well because he was talking fast, and Jewell didn't know how to respond, so I got to handle the situation. I've never seen an elderly gentleman make such a fool of himself, but unfortunately he wasn't listening to what he said. He tried twisting my words and didn't really listen to anything I said (I wonder if he listened to anything). Anyway, the Lord helped me stay calm, and we managed to get out of there. So, now Jewell knows the not-so-plesant side of missionary work.
But anyway, the week went pretty well. We taught a lot of lessons, and were able to help a lot of people. We also were able to meet with one of my favorite families in the ward, the Mo'es, and had a great meeting with them. They are active, but the husband has to work most Sundays and is only able to attend sacrament, so we are going to give them spiritual thoughts in the evening. But all in all, it's cool.
As always, and forever, thank you all for all that you do for me, and all you have done. I love you all!
Elder Kidd

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