Tuesday, July 28, 2009



So, it has been another great week. Yesterday was my companion's birthday, and we had a baptism as well. It was nice that I got to meet Jessica (the girl that got baptized) on Saturday and actually teach her before Sunday. I sang at the program, and everyone seemed to like it. The 1st councilor in the bishopbric told me I have to be here for Christmas so I can sing then. So, maybe I will be hanging out in Kaneohe for a while. I would be ok with that.

Our week went well, even though we had some struggles. We had a lot of appointments with people we found tracting that weren't there for their appointment, but that is usual. It just shows once again that you need to get the members involved. We did find one cool guy from the Philippeans who seems interested. We dropped a book of Mormon off yesterday in Tagolog (his native tongue), and he seemed very appriciative. The funny part is that a JW was there teaching another kid while we were waiting for Willie. We resisted the urge to bash with him, and he didn't look at us.

That has been something fun I've noticed about my mission. I have learned a lot about different religions and why they are almost completely crazy. It seems so amazing. Our church just makes sence. It answers all the questions, and so simply... but some don't see it that way, so we go out every day to share those answers with them.

Our next week is looking amazing. We have a lot of lessons schedualed, one with a lady named Lorretta. She has been looking into the church for years, comes to church occasionally, and her brother is a member and told her to get baptized. She just seems to find these little reasons to not join. So, we talked to her about the mighty change of heart that the spirit can bring (Alma 5) into our lives, and we are going back over tomorrow. Throw in a few other people that we are going to start teaching soon, and we are really excited.

I think I need to clarify a little from my email last week. I didn't mean that my companion is a drama king as in he can act, I mean that he is a drama king as in he makes every little thing a huge deal. We have an opptimist serving with a pecimist that is trying to pass simply as a realist (remind anyone of Hitch?), but there is a lot of possibility. Hopefully I can help him, as well as the rest of my district.

This last week, I trained my district on how essential it is to have members with us throughout the whole teaching process, from finding to committing. Next week when I train them again, I am going to go over the conversion process, and also how we need to apply that to ourselves so much, and search for that mighty change of heart in our own service. I know I experienced it, and I am so glad that the spirit was able to do that for me.

I hope all is going well. From the pictures Chelsi sent, it looks like Getta and Gracie are getting so big. Thank you all for your support, and I love you so much!

Elder Kidd

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