Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Aloha and happy ID4!

It seems like an amazing week, yet when we looked at our numbers for the week, and they were a lot lower than we expected. Either way, the week seemed to go well, we worked hard, and got a lot done (except for the 4th. Hard to do anything when EVERYONE is on the beach).

Anyway... updates. Carey O'oka is struggling a lot, and has relapsed a bit on his smoking. Also, he seems to be sinking into another depression, so we are going to try to help him build his faith in his Savior and endure through. It looks like it is going to take a bit more time.

We are working with a man named Preston Ducosin, who has been married to an active member for about 16 years or so. He has never been baptized, but has gotten close a couple of times. Well, he wants to be able to baptize and confirm his son, who is 7 right now. He loves the missionaries, and he and his wife would do anything for us. In fact, last Monday they gave us mac&cheese, and a suave soap and lotion kit. We have another appointment tonight. Preston has said that he has been picturing his baptism, he just isn't sure when it is going to be, so we are going to continue working with him and helping him to his goal.

We also were able to work with Anthony this week as well. They finally have a court date for next week, so hopefully we will be able to finally have all the legal issues out of the way.

The craziest thing happened on Tuesday though. I went on an exhchange with our ZL's in their ward. Well, we had one appointment cancel, so we went to see another lady (aunty Lily), and all hell broke loose:

We came and she(aunty lily) started talking to us about how the cops had just come and left. They wanted to take her "friend" that has been living with her for a while. Well, she swore at them (and kind of to us as she was telling us) and they left. Apparently she usually is a super nice lady, and super active. Well, we show up, talk to her for a bit and she starts into her son and sister. While we're sitting there, who should drive up but... THE SISTER(sister Crawley)!! So, they argued a bit, and we tried to leave, but the sister asked us to stay. So, there we are standing by our car, wondering what the heck is going on (especially me since I know none of these people). While they continue to argue, who should drive up behind us but... THE SON(Scott) and his family. They run out to join the sister and start pleading with Aunty Lily to get her to come with them to a meeting with the bishop (that she didn't go to the day before). Well, meanwhile, the "Friend" (Collin) is telling her not to go. Well, Scott tries to cast him out or something, and he leaves. Eventually they get her to come out of the house. Scott hugs her, and they convince her to go with them.

So, it takes a little bit to get her into the car, and Aunty Lily wants her purse. So, Aunty Lily's sister (Sister Crawley) convince Collin to give her Aunty Lily's purse. Meanwhile, Scott and his family leave with Aunty Lily, taking both cars. So, we have to take Sister Crawley with us to the church. On the way, she informs us the Aunty Lily has changed since Collin moved in with her, and apparently they are engaged now. Collin has a rap sheet a mile long, and has threatened Scott and sister Crawley. Collin creeped me out.

On the way back, Aunty Lily had been riding with Scott, but they moved her to the other car with Scott's wife. Right by the church, we catch up to them, and look into the car with Aunty Lily and Scott's wife to see: Aunty Lily trying to beat the trash out of Scott's wife. So, Sister Crawley runs out of the car, Scott gets out of his car, and they escort Aunty Lily to the church, we get all the cars in, and then Elder Miller and I run away. Great thing is, during that time, no one asked for my name. Ok, follow that?

The rest of the week went well though. Saturday no one was home, so we eventually went out with the missionaries to watch the fireworks which was a lot of fun, and we took lots of pictures. Which you will see soon. So, that really was the big point of the week.

It has been great the last little while to once again be able to testify repeatedly about Joseph Smith and about the Atonement, two of our greatest messages. With a knowledge that Christ suffered for our sins, and has felt all of our pains, we know that we can endure anything. Knowing the heavens are not sealed, and that there are prophets again, we know that we are guided through everything. These are the basis that we build upon. Thank you all for your continued support. I love you all!

Elder Kidd

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