Wednesday, June 23, 2010


So, I have to tell everyone about the bumper sticker I saw on the way over to the library today. "I finally got everything together, and then I forgot where I put it." Seems to be my life a lot of days anymore.
But, onto the week. It was another difficult week, but I'm starting to think that that is because my expectations are very high for the last part of my mission. We had a lot of cancelled appointments, a couple of disappointing experiences, but in the end the Kaleuati boys got baptized and confirmed, which made everything better. It was the smallest baptism I have ever been too. I was joking with a member (Sis Young) that all you need for a baptism is three priesthood holders and the person being baptized. Well, we had four priesthood holders, and not many more people there. The only ones that were there that didn't have some direct part in the program were the kids mom and sister. Elder Pontanares and I spoke. But I think I like smaller baptisms anyway. It is more special that way.
Derek and Ericah are doing well, just not engaged yet. They may have gone to the temple visitor center today. I have to call them. I'm starting to think more and more of a young teeage couple that doesn't feel quite ready for responsibility when I see them... Hopefully they will come soon though.
Kelsea is still terrified to tell her grandfather. But, as our fellowshipper and we agree, she is only 11, and doesn't want to upset her family. I have faith that if she tells him that he will not only support her, but join her in the end, but lots of prayers are going to be required.
The Hurtados are doing well. Elder Pontanares is a huge asset when it comes to Filippeanos. We should be able to start teaching atleast one new family this week that we found. I've never been let into so many houses, especially after "Tapo" is the only thing that is said. It is boggling my mind.
I also got to speak this Sunday in church. I spoke on Alma the youngers experience, and then bishop built off of my talk to continue on. I really like our bishop. He served his mission in Hawaii (started in Waianae), came back and married a girl from here, and then became bishop. He is working right now to help strengthen the ward since, as he pointed out, most of the members are either recent converts, or just coming back to church. So, we are back to the basics for them, but it is going well.
We got the phone call last night about transfers, and as was expected, Elder Pontanares and I will be staying together for my final six weeks. I found out for sure (through another missionary I go home with) that we do land on July 30 in the morning. He said his parents already had the itinerary.
So, all is well here. I hope all is well for everyone back home. Thank you all for all that you continue to do. I love you all!
Elder Kidd

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