Monday, November 16, 2009


Aloha means love

I've decided a lot of the polynesian and micronesian culters have it right. They great people with a word that also means love (the first two that come to mind are 'Aloha' and "Yokwe' (marshalleese). Anyway, here is hopefully an email full of love...

Elder Call is still proving to be a wonderful learning experience for me. I try not to take offense or get irritated at all, but it is starting to be a little bit harder than usual. I think most everyone knows that I don't really like to have to repeat myself over, and over. Well, Elder Call is helping me learn that at times I may need to ask someone to do (or not do) something over, and over again. I pray every night that the Lord will give me more patience.... He has to be laughing at me up in heaven and simply giving me opportunities to learn it...

But, our week was awesome. I have to admit that Wednesday was my favorite day. I went on another exchange with Elder Hill, and I have realized how awesome he is. I would love to be able to be his companion one day. He loves to work, but have fun at the same time. We were able to get so much done, and I felt like I could put some of the burden on him.

Wednesday we had a marvelous experience though. We had a lesson schedualed with a guy named David. We picked up a kid from the ward named Koa to come with us (he is almost finished with his papers). Well, David wasn't home, so we figured we would walk around and talk to a few people. While we were walking, I called Trayleen to keep daily contact with her. Well, I could tell she had been crying, and she said she had just come out of praying. When I asked if she wanted us to come by, she said yes, so over we went.

We talked for a little bit, and then shared a lot about the atonement. It was so cool, and having Koa there was also a blast. Then, she told us that she had canceled her trip to Washington because she knew if she went that she would lose everything that she had gained (first shock). Then, we asked if she still wanted to wait on her baptism, and she said no because she needed the Holy Ghost (second shock). Elder Hill and I looked at each other, and simply said that she was the most golden investigator either of us had ever met. I am so excited for her. The only concern we have is that all of her friends are in one ward, and she lives in another, and the bishop will not let her get baptized in the other ward.... so please pray for us to know how to handle this.

Monday night we had a good lesson with Rick... and committed him to be baptized. He knows it is true, and wants to, just concerned about his mom. When he told her, she didn't seem happy, but I don't think she will forbid it. We need to talk to him again to see how everything is right now.

So, things are going well. The members of my district are struggling, but hopefully the training tomorrow will help with that. So, trust in the Lord, He gives what we know we need (even when we hate it). He does love us, and He hates to see us sad, but knows it is for our good (isn't that awesome but depressing at the same time). Keep smiling everyone. Satan hates a righteous smile. I love you all! Thanks for supporting me!

Elder Kidd

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