Saturday, January 2, 2010


Mele Kalikimaka and Hau'oli Makahiki Hou

(It's Merry Christmas and Happy New Year)

Alright, I'm going to try and fill in everything I lost last week with my email being deleted, and then add what I can from this last week. I will send a different email with pictures this week.

So, things have continued to go well with our investigators and others we are working with. Janet continues to progress and grow. We were able to commit her for baptism this last week, and are meeting with her tonight to make sure she knows everything she needs to do to prepare. She wants to be baptized, and is very eager to make all of the changes needed.

We have also been working with a less-active family(The Harrisons)... well, used to be less active that are having their kids baptized on Saturday. The oldest boy (Dillon) is ten, and his younger sister is 8. They are a little crazy, but we can truly see the change their parents have made.

I don't know how well I told the story of how we found the Taufa'asaus, so I am going to retell it so you can see the miracle. We had just stopped by an investigator's home, and were working our way to our next stop. We had two different roads we could have taken, but we backtracked our trail to the last road. While we were driving down, I saw a family in a garage. I didn't think much of it until I heard, "hey, elders!" So, we stopped, turned around, and started talking to them. We found out that Lance, the husband, got baptized around 10 years ago, just recently got back from Iraq or Afganistan, but had been less active longer than that. His wife and two sons were not members. We set up a time to come by and visit with him the next week. When we went over for that visit, our bishop came along as well. Well, we resolved Lance's concerns about coming to church though he didn't feel worthy, and committed him to come. He wanted to bring his whole family, but one son had a prior committment (a prior committment when you are only 9...). Anyway, Lance came and brought his younger son that Sunday, and has come ever since, but with his whole family. We have started reteaching him while teaching his family. He wants his boys to have the values that they will receive in primary. They also love primary. his wife also really enjoys everything as well. It has been so touching to me realizing how much the Lord led us to them.

John isn't progressing an incredible amount right now, but hopefully in the near future. He needs to get a new job so that he can come to church, but he currently is looking, so there is hope.

Christmas was amazing. It was so great to call home and talk to all those I was able to. Sorry to those that I was not able to talk to. It was a little worrisome to me because the night before I was feeling really homesick and almost didn't want to call for fear of being more homesick. Well, the opposite happened. When I got off the phone I felt great, and now I am motivated again. The only problem was that I wasn't able to get back to sleep, so I was pretty tired the next day. Oh, and also for those I mentioned hearing sirens to, it turns out it was a housefire, not a high speed chase.

The rest of the day was fun though. we were able to visit a few members and eat with them. The first dinner (second meal) we had was delicious. they had ham and ribs... and they were delicious. So, I didn't want to eat much at our last dinner... which was ok because I'm afraid it wasn't quite so good.

But, other big news, and this is kinda depressing news. I found out last night that I am being transfered. Yep, after only six weeks in these wards, I am moving onto a new location. It is really sad because it feels like everything was about to come to fruition here. But, like a member told me in my second area: "Some are planters, some are nourishers(sp?), and some are reapers. Some get to do all, some only get one, but each is essential." So, I guess I got to play nourisher in this area.

We had a good day today though. We woke up and actually had two lessons this morning. then we were able to go on a hike with a member of one of our wards and his very pregnant wife (she may give birth tonight). the hike was great, but unfortunately you can only get to it by way of the army base. I will try to include some other pictures.

So, all is going well. For this next year, and especially with New Year's resolutions, may we all set a goal to follow the Savior's example in everything that we do. And as we do that, He will bless us. I'm also going to forward an email I got from Elder Navarro (Philipe) about his thoughts on Christmas, which I add my testimony to.

I love you all. Thank you as always for your support and love!
Elder Kidd

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